Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Goal Setting

G --> Goals. Set Goals:
R --> ...
O --> ...
W --> ...

Why is Goal Setting important?

In any purposeful human undertaking, before anything else, the most important first step is the setting of Goals or Objectives for the human endeavor.
As a matter of logic and practicality, the setting of Goals actually goes beyond being important. Goal setting is a fundamental, necessary First Step
to any human endeavor. The reason for this can be best demonstrated by the question below:

How can any human undertaking or activity be important if there is no reason or objective for the activity to exist in the first place?

Below are some helpful statements which creatively emphasize this point.

> You can't hit a Target you cannot see and you cannot see a Target you do not have.
> Goals establishes the picture of what success will look like.
> Goals provides the focus where the individual tasks should all be directed.

Basically, for any purposeful human activity, we should begin with the end in mind.

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