Monday, October 3, 2011

Wealth Management and the Economy

Several studies and surveys conducted has already established the direct connection between the wealth management skills of a country's population to the economic strength and wealth of the country:

The better the money management and wealth building skills of the people as a whole, the better is the status and strength of the country's economy.

Sad to see yet another study confirm the poor training in wealth building our Filipino kids are getting especially since we call them the future builders of our nation.

Maybe this news article will motivate us to teach our future nation builders to not just spend, spend, spend, but also to save, invest, and build.

Filipino kids lack money management skills -- study

HONG KONG -- Almost all Filipino children have regular access to cash, but they still do not understand key money concepts, such as earning, saving and spending, and the impact these have on their lives, a study showed.

Read more:
Filipino kids lack money management skills - study

1 comment:

  1. Anything you want can be yours. The universe is infinite, and will bring to you the thing you want, the thing you have dreamed of, if you believe it, take action, and prepare to receive it. That’s the law, and as certainly as a ball thrown into the air will fall as a result of the law of gravity, the law of attraction will bring to you that which you think about and focus on.

    Life Coach
